
Is anyone working on MESOS-314
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-314> “Support the cgroups
'cpusets' subsystem” or related functionality? I found other related
tickets in JIRA, but there seems to be no recent progress on them:
MESOS-5342 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-5342>, MESOS-5358
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-5358>. There’s also a mention
of idea of exposing cpusets similar to network ports.

I’d like propose an alternative approach for adding CPU affinity support
and would be interested in any feedback on it. If the community is
interested in this approach, I can work on design document and

The basic idea is to let frameworks specify affinity requirements in
ContainerInfo using the following structure:
message AffinityInfo {
  enum ProcessingUnit {
    THREAD = 1;
    CORE = 2;
    SOCKET = 3;
    NUMA_NODE = 4;

  // Indicates that container should be bound to the units of specified
  // For example: bind = NUMA_NODE indicates, that process
  // can run on any thread from some NUMA node.
  required ProcessingUnit bind = 1;

  // Indicates that assigned processing units must not be shared with
  // other containers.
  optional bool exclusive = 2 [default = false];

message ContainerInfo {
  optional AffinityInfo affinity_info = …;

In future this can be extended to require exclusive NUMA node memory
access, proximity to devices, etc.
This also requires exposing hardware topology information (such as number
of cpus per node) to frameworks to evaluate offer suitability, and
providing visibility to frameworks on failures to assign CPUs per
requirements, but this can be left out of scope of the MVP.


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