> On Mar 23, 2017, at 1:54 AM, Olivier Sallou <olivier.sal...@irisa.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> when transforming a protobug message to json with MessageToJson, the
> json is not compatible with the json format expected by Mesos master.

This is because you generated the protobuf bindings with proto3 compiler. 
AFAICT they made an incompatible change to the JSON wire format. This bites you 
when using the jsonpb Go package, for example. I ended up post-processing the 
generated Go code to correct the field names.

> For example, for volumes it generates
> volumes: [
>    {'hostPath': '....',
>      'containerPath': '...',
>     ...
>   }
> ]
> but HTTP API expects "source" and "container_path"
> is it an expected behavior ? This prevents from "creating" a task in
> protobuf format and sending it to HTTP API with a protobug to json
> conversion.

It’s expected from a proto3 compiler. IMHO this is a breaking change and they 
should have made a fallback option, but there’s not one. There’s no good 
choices here AFAICT.


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