Hi folks,

Seeing that our first official containerizer WG is off to a good start, we
want to use that momentum to start new WGs.

I'm proposing that we start a new work group on community. The mission of
this work group would be to figure out ways to grow the size of our
community and improve the experience of community members (users, devs,
contributors, committers etc).

In the first meeting, we can nail down what the charter of this work group
should be etc. My initial ideas for the topics/components this work group
could cover

--> Releases
--> Roadmap
--> Reviews
--> JIRA
--> CI

Over time, I'm hoping that new specific work groups will sprung up that can
own some of these topics.

If you are interested in joining this work group, please reply to this
thread and I'll add you to the invite.


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