
I'm thinking about extending `process::Executor` with a new `execute()`
The need of this new interface surfaced when I'm working on
1. A disk GC might execute multiple `rmdirs` callbacks, and some of them
are heavy duty. We don't want to run them on `GarbageCollectorProcess` so
that it won't block other events of the process.
Currently we do the following:
2. `async` puts each `rmdir` callback in an actor. When there are many
heavy-duty `rmdirs` callbacks, the actors end up occupying all worker
threads and blocking other actors for minutes.

Yan suggested me to use `process::Executor` such that:
1. The `rmdirs` callbacks are not executed on `GarbaceGollectorProcess`
2. All `rmdirs` callbacks are executed on a single thread
Since the `Executor` class only contains a `defer()` function that returns
a `_Deferred` structure,
I'm doing the following:

Would it make sense to add another `execute()` function to directly return
a `Future`?

- Chun-Hung

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