I found a strange behaviour on a cluster that I do not understand. I do not 
have access to mesos logs (not in my cluster), but anyone faced this before ? 
My framework uses Docker containerizer. We faced a task that sent TASK_ERROR to 
the framework (why not), but in reality the Docker executed correctly on mesos 
slave, then we received a TASK_FINISHED. 
So mesos detected an error with task but it detected anyway the end of the task 
sending the finished event at the end. 

How mesos can detect an error but still watching the task and detect its end ? 

Here are my framework logs: 
2017-09-17 01:06:35,447 DEBUG [godocker-scheduler][Thread-1] Task 17820-0 is in 
2017-09-17 01:06:46,286 DEBUG [godocker-scheduler][Thread-1] Task 17820-0 is in 
2017-09-17 02:13:44,537 DEBUG [godocker-scheduler][Thread-1] Task 17820-0 is in 

Unfortunalty I did not log the "reason" of the ERROR, so I do not know what 
occured, and cannot at this stage reproduce manually the use case. 

Can we have "non terminal" errors, from mesos point of view, where task should 
not be considered as over? 



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