Hi all,

In https://reviews.apache.org/r/62644/, I am proposing to add an optional 
Resources field to the TaskStatus message named `limited_resources`.

In the case that a task is killed because it violated a resource constraint 
(ie. the reason field is REASON_CONTAINER_LIMITATION, 
field may be populated with the resource that triggered the limitation. This is 
intended to give better information to schedulers about task resource failures, 
in the expectation that it will help them bubble useful information up to the 
user or a monitoring system.

diff --git a/include/mesos/v1/mesos.proto b/include/mesos/v1/mesos.proto
index d742adbbf..559d09e37 100644
--- a/include/mesos/v1/mesos.proto
+++ b/include/mesos/v1/mesos.proto
@@ -2252,6 +2252,13 @@ message TaskStatus {
   // status updates for tasks running on agents that are unreachable
   // (e.g., partitioned away from the master).
   optional TimeInfo unreachable_time = 14;
+  // If the reason field indicates a container resource limitation,
+  // this field contains the resource whose limits were violated.
+  //
+  // NOTE: 'Resources' is used here because the resource may span
+  // multiple roles (e.g. `"mem(*):1;mem(role):2"`).
+  repeated Resource limited_resources = 16;


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