Tox works pretty well cross platform in dcos, so long as one uses python3 and 
the standard venv rather than pyenv.
From: Benjamin Mahler <>
Sent: Monday, January 8, 2018 7:03 PM
To: dev
Cc: Armand Grillet; Benno Evers; Kevin Klues
Subject: Re: Replacing ad hoc virtualenvs for testing and linting with tox

+armand, benno, kevin

On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 12:04 PM, Eric Chung <> wrote:

> Hello mesos devs,
> I'd like to propose that we replace some of our bash scripts for building
> ad hoc virtualenvs with tox 
> <>,
>  a
> tool
> for automating lifecycle management of virtualenvs using declarative
> configuration files.
> Specifically, virtualenvs created for the purpose of linting
> (support/.virtaulenv) and unit testing (in src/python) can be managed by
> tox, which provide the following benefits:
> 1. Eliminate the need for maintaining shell scripts for managing
> virtualenvs
> 2. We will no longer need to install *ALL* dependencies into the same
> virtualenv for the purpose of linting -- we can have distributed tox.ini
> files in wherever python linting is required, and just run tox there.
> 3. Easily run tests for multiple environments, e.g. python3 vs python2.
> This will make migration to python3 much easier, which we are facing
> increasing pressure to address.
> The biggest concern here would probably the change in dependencies, since
> it may seem like we're adding an additional dependency to mesos. However
> since virtualenv is a dependency of tox, we will not break any existing
> dependencies, as requiring tox will automatically require virtualenv.
> Otherwise I don't really see any downside in making the switch.
> Please let me know what you think!
> Eric

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