Hey All,

We are considering bundling/vendoring libevent 2.0.22 with upcoming releases of 

Let me explain the motivation and then go into some details.

Due to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-7076, SSL builds Mesos 
stopped functioning on distributions that offer libevent 2.1.8 by default. 
Specifically the failure was observed on Ubuntu 17/18 as well as on macOS. It 
has also just come to my attention that Fedora 18 shares the same fate. So the 
problem is less likely OS specific but more likely libevent + SSL + libprocess 
Instead of getting stuck in the rabbit hole of debugging right away, I decided 
that bundling a known good version of libevent was the most reliable way to 
prevent sad faces when building Mesos with SS but instead we can be sure SSL 
builds of Mesos function properly across all supported platforms, out of the 

Details on the bundling;
We will include libevent 2.0.22 and we also include a patch that makes that 
version build against both openssl 1.0.x as well as 1.1.x. For unbundled builds 
(--with-libevent) I have some additional checks foreseen that try to prevent a 
build of a known bad variant of libevent + SSL + Mesos.

The bundling and those checks are a workaround, not a solution. I still am 
pursueing debugging the underlying cause. However, way too much time has passed 
already without a proper solution, hence this suggestion of a quick fix, 
bundling workaround.

Let me know your thoughts!


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