Thanks for reaching out, a well maintained and well written wrapper
interface to the three backends would certainly make this easier for us vs
implementing such an interface ourselves.

Is this the client interface?

At a quick glance, three ZK things that we rely on but seem to be absent
from the common interface is the ZK session, authentication, and
authorization. How will these be provided via the common interface?

Here is our ZK interface wrapper if you want to see what kinds of things we

The project has 0 releases and 0 issues, what kind of usage has it seen?
Has there been any testing yet? Would be doing some of the

On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 7:54 PM Samuel Marks <> wrote:

> Apache ZooKeeper <> is a large dependency.
> Enabling developers and operations to use etcd <>, Consul
> <>, or ZooKeeper should reduce resource utilisation and
> enable new use cases.
> There have already been a number of suggestions to get rid of hard
> dependency on ZooKeeper. For example, see: MESOS-1806
> <>, MESOS-3574
> <>, MESOS-3797
> <>, MESOS-5828
> <>, MESOS-5829
> <>. However, there are
> difficulties in supporting a few implementations for different services
> with quite distinct data models.
> A few months ago invested in a solution to this problem -
> liboffkv <> – a *C++* library which
> provides a *uniform interface over ZooKeeper, Consul KV and etcd*. It
> abstracts common features of these services into its own data model which
> is very similar to ZooKeeper’s one. Careful attention was paid to keep
> methods both efficient and consistent. It is cross-platform,
> open-source (*Apache-2.0
> OR MIT*), and is written in C++, with vcpkg packaging, *C library output
> <
> >*,
> and additional interfaces in *Go <>*,
> *Java
> <>*, and *Rust
> <>*.
> proposes to replace all ZooKeeper usages in Mesos with usages
> of liboffkv. Since all interactions which require ZooKeeper in Mesos are
> conducted through the class Group (and GroupProcess) with a clear interface
> the obvious way to introduce changes is to provide another implementation
> of the class which uses liboffkv instead of ZooKeeper. In this case the
> original implementation may be left unchanged in the codebase and build
> flags to select from ZK-only and liboffkv variants may be introduced. Once
> the community is confident, you can decide to remove the ZK-only option,
> and instead only support liboffkv [which internally has build flags for
> each service].
> Removing the hard dependency on ZooKeeper will simplify local deployment
> for testing purposes as well as enable using Mesos in clusters without
> ZooKeeper, e.g. where etcd or Consul is used for coordination. We expect
> this to greatly reduce the amount of resource—network, CPU, disk,
> memory—usage in a datacenter environment.
> If the community accepts the initiative, we will integrate liboffkv into
> Mesos. We are also ready to develop the library and consider any suggested
> improvements.
> Sydney Medical School | Westmead Institute for Medical Research |
> Director | Sydney Scientific Foundation Ltd <>
> | of Sydney Scientific Pty Ltd <>
> PS: We will be offering similar contributions to Chronos
> <>, Marathon
> <>, Aurora
> <>, and related projects.

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