Hi all,
while the vote on moving to Attic is ongoing (I hope that the current
standstill will end quite soon - by Attic+non-ASF fork, by lowering
the committer bar or in some other way), I think we need to (once
again) ask recent and potential future contributors and users:

In which exact direction would you like to see the project moving?
What are the things you need in Mesos and would be willing to contribute?
For the people and organizations who are maintaining private Mesos
forks - what is there in those forks that might be of value to the
community and you would like to merge into upstream?

I'm asking, because I'm under impression that an (unconscious) view of
some/many of the PMC is that Mesos is not  - and will never be -
solving any task that Kubernetes is not solving now and will not be
solving in the foreseeable future. _If_ one views Mesos+something as a
"contender in a container orchestration war" then that "battle" is
clearly lost.

Using the "bad analogy" Curl/Firefox by Charles-François Natali: what
are the tasks for which you use this "Curl" where it cannot be
reasonably substituted by "Firefox"? And do you envision other tasks
of these kinds?
In the other words: what do you want Mesos to be in the future?
A thing capable of running legacy Mesos frameworks for container orchestration?
A core of a system which struggles to keep feature parity with
solutions on top of K8s, has performance characteristics similar to
those solutions, but is not built on top of K8s?
Or... something entirely different?

In the two first cases, I would agree that Mesos has no future and
should be retired (and retired not only as an ASF project, but in
In the latter case - can you be more specific?

Note that, although the answers might impact the ongoing Attic vote,
the project needs them regardless of the outcome of that vote.

Best regards,
Andrei Sekretenko

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