
I've run into an interesting problem with using compiled queries to search for 
values that are not equal to null.

Our goal is to run a query like this:   SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyValue IS 

If I build the query like this, everything works perfectly:

Query query = context.query().from(schema, "MyTable").select("*").toQuery();
SelectItem manufacturer = new SelectItem(schema.getTableByName("MyTable 
query.where(new FilterItem(manufacturer, OperatorType.DIFFERENT_FROM, null));
DataSet dataSet = context.executeQuery(query);

However, if I do the same thing with a compiled query, I get into trouble:

Query query2 = context.query().from(schema, "MyTable").select("*").toQuery();
query2.where(new FilterItem(manufacturer, OperatorType.DIFFERENT_FROM, new 
CompiledQuery compiled = context.compileQuery(query2);
Object[] params = new Object[1];
params[0] = null;
DataSet dataSet2 = context.executeQuery(compiled, params);

In this case, the generated SQL is:

SELECT . . .  FROM "MySchema"."MyTable" WHERE ("MyTable"."MyValue" <> ? OR 
"MyTable"."MyValue" IS NULL)

If the input parameter is a NULL, this where clause is not helpful.  "<> NULL" 
is likely to be invalid and "IS NULL" is the wrong thing. The goal is "IS NOT 
The generated query would make perfect sense if the input parameter was a value 
like "foo", but this approach falls apart with null input parameters.

Any suggestions for a workaround would be greatly appreciated!

Tim Kingsbury

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