Hi all,

We are going to design and develop an asset database for Metron. For this
purpose, I have been thinking of a graph schema model to map assets as
Nodes and provide relations as Edges. This can be extended to event level
to have a particular relation to assets as well as an event to event
relation. Regarding technology, I was thinking of using Titan Graph
Database (probably JanusGraph) and using HBase and Elasticsearch/Solr as
backends. However, there might be a performance issue regarding this
decision if we want to use lots of Composite Indices. The problem we will
be facing would be the fact that Titan creates separate column family for
each Composite Index which HBase is not very good for it. Basically, it
would be better to use Cassandra for this purpose.

I would like to understand what work have been done already regarding this
problem and what the roadmap will be, so I can make sure we will follow the
same strategy.


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