Thanks for this Raghu.  You make a pretty compelling argument.  I'm +1 on
moving to yarn.


On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 3:51 PM, Nick Allen <> wrote:

> It is also my understanding that
> ​there is no hard cut-over to yarn
> .
> ​After we
> introduce the yarn.lock
> ​
> ​,​
> as a developer you can choose to continue to use npm or switch to yarn.
> Other developers on the project can keep using npm, so you don’t need to
> > get everyone on your project to convert at the same time. The developers
> > using yarn will all get exactly the same configuration as each other, and
> > the developers using npm may get slightly different configurations, which
> > is the intended behavior of npm.
> ​Oh, and I just switched metron-alerts projects to yarn (as a test) and
> performed an offline install.  It was stupid simple.​
> On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 4:12 PM Nick Allen <> wrote:
> > Thanks for laying this all out for us, Raghu.  Based on the built-in
> > support for offline installs and version locking, I think this is a great
> > suggestion. (However unfortunate the namespace collision might be.)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 8:51 AM RaghuMitra Kandikonda <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> I would like to start a discussion around using 'yarn' for managing
> >> dependencies for metron-alerts instead of 'npm'.
> >>
> >> This article beautifully summarizes the need of yarn and npm.
> >> (
> >>
> >> If you have read the above article you can skip the next two sections
> >> and jump to 'Additional advantages of Yarn'
> >>
> >> ============================================================
> >> ============================================================
> >> ===============
> >> Why do we need a new package manager ?.
> >>
> >> While 'npm' does a good job for downloading all the required
> >> dependencies. npm always tries to download the latest and greatest
> >> versions of all these dependencies. This would create a problem in
> >> replicating the same build every time we build. Having hard coded
> >> versions in the package.json seems like a possible solution but this
> >> will prevent us from knowing that a library has been updated. In JS
> >> world the version updates are very frequent and we might be missing on
> >> some of the latest updates and some of these updates might be related
> >> to security or a cool feature we would like to have in our code base.
> >> Ex: Angular made 10 releases in last two months, bootstrap made 2
> >> releases in last two months.
> >>
> >> ============================================================
> >> ============================================================
> >> ===============
> >> What is Yarn  ?.
> >>
> >> Yarn is a new age package manager that can (needs to) be installed
> >> over npm (or bower). Yarn resolves issues around versioning and
> >> non-determinism of JS dependencies by using lock files and an install
> >> algorithm that is deterministic and reliable. These lock files lock
> >> the installed dependencies to a specific version and ensure that every
> >> install results in the exact same file structure in node_modules
> >> across all machines. This kind of a locking mechanism is not available
> >> with vanilla node.
> >>
> >> ============================================================
> >> ============================================================
> >> ===============
> >> Additional advantages of Yarn ?.
> >>
> >> 1.Yarn helps us to check licenses of all the frameworks we are using.
> >> (This feature is built in)
> >> 2.It will reduce the build time of UI for dev as well as in Travis as
> >> all the dependencies are cached inside '~/.config/yarn/global'
> >> 3.We can do an offline install of UI as we can zip the dependencies
> >> and supply it to Yarn instead of downloading from the internet
> >> 4.Yarn is already integrated with Travis
> >> (
> >>
> >> ============================================================
> >> ============================================================
> >> ===============
> >> How to migrate ?.
> >>
> >> A yarn.lock file can be created from existing package.json file and
> >> this file would be checked in.
> >>
> >> ============================================================
> >> ============================================================
> >> ===============
> >> How does the process change ?.
> >>
> >> 1.All the developers would use 'npm install' so that they can get the
> >> latest versions of the dependencies.
> >> 2.The build would use 'yarn install'. ( This change would be made in
> >> metron-alerts pom.xml file )
> >> 3.When the dev notices that a new version of the library is available
> >> we can test it thoroughly and update yarn.lock file
> >>
> >> ============================================================
> >> ============================================================
> >> ===============
> >>
> >> I am not aware of any other package manager that can do this for us, I
> >> can explore others if you have a suggestion.
> >>
> >>
> >> -Raghu Mitra
> >>
> >

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