That seems close to the issue that I'm having... But there's a part I don't quite understand in my case.

Everything's working fine for days and then suddenly, Java throws an error (see other mail to the mailing list) and I can't get Metron stable again. It's always either the indexingBolt or hdfsIndexingBolt. The error I see the most after this is "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded"...

It seems that somewhere there's a big pileup of messages which Metron suddenly can't process.

Any ideas on how to further troubleshoot this?

On 2017-08-17 11:10, wrote:
I used to run into similar issues when my environment was resource
constrained but never ran it to root cause. It has been a long time since
I was in this scenario to re-test.


On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 12:49 PM Laurens Vets <> wrote:


Simple question, when I stop Metron, Kafka & Storm via Ambari, I still
see the storm worker processes running, is this expected?

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