The question has come up about the metron parsers installation vs. parser
extension installation differences, and I’d like to get some comments.

Right now ( let’s pretend the UI PR get’s merged to the feature branch for
a minute ) in the original take on this the metron parsers ( bro, yaf,
snort etc ) get installed
into the system basically as before with regards to zookeeper ( although
they ALL get installed since they all have demo compatible default configs
now).  The parser extensions, installed after the fact through ui however
have a new parser extension configuration
that is registered into a new zookeeper area, and are listed and managed in
the new UI.  They can be installed or uninstalled basically.

The question is if the parsers installed by metron should *also* be
registered in the same way, such that the parser extension ui lists all of
the parsers.

This would allow removal and installation of metron parsers installed by
the system.  Also, following on we can customize the install to not install
everything. It may also be more simple concept wise.

That is the basic thing.  So the question is if we want to go in this

The not so basic thing is to still deploy the extensions into the system as
packages, but not install them, such that you can add an extension from a
file *and also* from a ‘repository’ of
extensions.  Down the line we can support local and remote repositories etc.

So the options are:

1. As it is now on the feature branch ( still pretending ;)), the system
installed parsers are not the same as the extension installed parsers.
While the project can uninstall and replace these parsers, the user/ui
2. All parsers are installed as extensions and can be removed, but are all
initially installed
3. All parsers are extensions, but not installed during the original
deployment, rather they are put into a repository that the ui lets you
browse to select, in addition to allowing
install from file ( like intellij and other plugin systems do ).  **This
would have implications for the demo system, since we would want to still
install the bro, snort and maybe yaf parsers.

In considering these questions, we need to keep in mind where we want to
go, and how much of this is required for first release of the extension
system.  There is a lot of ‘while we are already doing xxx, we might as
well do yyyy since it will be harder later’  in this.

Thanks for your time and your timely responses.


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