Github user justinleet commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: metron-deployment/ ---
    @@ -15,178 +15,134 @@ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either 
express or implied.
     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     limitations under the License.
    -# Overview
    -This set of playbooks can be used to deploy an Ambari-managed Hadoop 
cluster containing Metron services using Ansible. These playbooks target 
RHEL/CentOS 6.x operating
    -Installation consists of -
    -- Building Metron tarballs, RPMs and the Ambari MPack
    -- Deploying Ambari
    -- Leveraging Ambari to install:
    -  * The required Hadoop Components
    -  * Core Metron (Parsing, Enrichment, Indexing)
    -  * Elasticsearch
    -  * Kibana
    -- Starting All Services
    +This project contains tools for building, packaging, and deploying Apache 
Metron.  Please refer to the following sections for more information on how to 
get Apache Metron running in your environment.
    -## Prerequisites
    -The following tools are required to run these scripts:
    -- [Maven](
    -- [Git](
    -- [Ansible]( ( or
    -- [Docker]( (Docker for Mac on OSX)
    -These scripts depend on two files for configuration:
    -- hosts - declares which Ansible roles will be run on which hosts
    -- group_vars/all - various configuration settings needed to install Metron
    -For production use, it is recommended that Metron be installed on an 
existing cluster managed by Ambari as described in the Installing Management 
Pack section below.
    -## Ambari
    -The Ambari playbook will install a Hadoop cluster including the Metron 
Services (Parsing, Enrichment, Indexing). Ambari will also install 
Elasticsearch and Kibana.
    -Currently, the playbooks supports building a local development cluster 
running on one node or deploying to a 10 node cluster on AWS EC2.
    -## Vagrant
    -There is a development environment based on Vagrant that is referred to as 
"Full Dev".  This installs the entire Ambari/Metron stack. This is useful in 
testing out changes to the installation procedure.
    -### Prerequsities
    -- Install [Vagrant]( (5.0.16+)
    -- Install the Hostmanager plugin for vagrant - Run `vagrant plugin install 
vagrant-hostmanager` on the machine where Vagrant is
    -### Full-Dev
    -Navigate to `metron/metron-deployment/vagrant/full-dev-platform` and run 
`vagrant up`.
    -## Ambari Management Pack
    -An Ambari Management Pack can be built in order to make the Metron service 
available on top of an existing stack, rather than needing a direct stack 
    -This will set up
    -- Metron Parsers
    -- Enrichment
    -- Indexing
    -- GeoIP data
    -- Optional Elasticsearch
    -- Optional Kibana
    -### Prerequisites
    -- A cluster managed by Ambari 2.4.2+
    -- Metron RPMs available on the cluster in the /localrepo directory.  See 
[RPMs](#rpms) for further information.
    -- [Node.js]( repository 
installed on the Management UI host
    -### Building Management Pack
    -From `metron-deployment` run
    -mvn clean package
    -A tar.gz that can be used with Ambari can be found at 
    -### Installing Management Pack
    -Before installing the mpack, update Storm's topology.classpath in Ambari 
to include '/etc/hbase/conf:/etc/hadoop/conf'. Restart Storm service.
    -Place the mpack's tar.gz onto the node running Ambari Server. From the 
command line on this node, run
    -ambari-server install-mpack --mpack=<mpack_location> --verbose
    -This will make the services available in Ambari in the same manner as any 
services in a stack, e.g. through Add Services or during cluster install.
    -The Indexing / Parsers/ Enrichment masters should be colocated with a 
Kafka Broker (to create topics) and HBase client (to create the enrichment and 
theatintel tables).
    -This colocation is currently not enforced by Ambari, and should be managed 
by either a Service or Stack advisor as an enhancement.
    -Several configuration parameters will need to be filled in, and should be 
pretty self explanatory (primarily a couple of Elasticsearch configs, and the 
Storm REST URL).  Examples are provided in the descriptions on Ambari.
    -Notably, the URL for the GeoIP database that is preloaded (and is 
prefilled by default) can be set to use a `file:///` location
    -After installation, a custom action is available in Ambari (where stop / 
start services are) to install Elasticsearch templates.  Similar to this, a 
custom Kibana action to Load Template is available.
    -Another custom action is available in Ambari to import Zeppelin 
dashboards. See the [metron-indexing 
    -#### Offline installation
    -Currently there is only one point that would reach out to the internet 
during an install.  This is the URL for the GeoIP database information.
    -The RPMs DO NOT reach out to the internet (because there is currently no 
hosting for them).  They look on the local filesystem in `/localrepo`.
    -### Current Limitations
    -There are a set of limitations that should be addressed based to improve 
the current state of the mpacks.
    -- There is currently no hosting for RPMs remotely.  They will have to be 
built locally.
    -- Colocation of appropriate services should be enforced by Ambari.  See 
[#Installing Management Pack] for more details.
    -- Storm's topology.classpath is not updated with the Metron service 
install and needs to be updated separately.
    -- Several configuration parameters used when installing the Metron service 
could (and should) be grabbed from Ambari.  Install will require them to be 
manually entered.
    -- Need to handle upgrading Metron
    -## RPMs
    -RPMs can be built to install the components in metron-platform. These RPMs 
are built in a Docker container and placed into `target`.
    -Components in the RPMs:
    -- metron-common
    -- metron-data-management
    -- metron-elasticsearch
    -- metron-enrichment
    -- metron-parsers
    -- metron-pcap
    -- metron-solr
    -- stellar-common
    + * [How do I deploy Metron with 
    + * [How do I deploy Metron on a single 
    + * [How do I build RPM packages?](#how-do-i-build-rpm-packages)
    + * [How do I build DEB packages?](#how-do-i-build-deb-packages)
    + * [How do I deploy Metron within AWS?](#how-do-i-deploy-metron-within-aws)
    + * [How do I build Metron with Docker?](#how-do-i-build-metron-with-docker)
    -### Prerequisites
    -- Docker.  The image detailed in: 
`metron-deployment/packaging/docker/rpm-docker/` will automatically be 
built (or rebuilt if necessary).
    -- Artifacts for metron-platform have been produced.  E.g. `mvn clean 
package -DskipTests` in `metron-platform`
    -The artifacts are required because there is a dependency on modules not 
expressed via Maven (we grab the resulting assemblies, but don't need the 
jars).  These are
    -- metron-common
    -- metron-data-management
    -- metron-elasticsearch
    -- metron-enrichment
    -- metron-indexing
    -- metron-parsers
    -- metron-pcap-backend
    -- metron-solr
    -- metron-profiler
    -- metron-config
    +How do I deploy Metron with Ambari?
    -### Building RPMs
    -cd metron-deployment
    -mvn clean package -Pbuild-rpms
    -The output RPM files will land in `target/RPMS/noarch`.  They can be 
installed with the standard
    -rpm -i <package>
    +This provides a Management Pack (MPack) extension for [Apache 
Ambari]( that simplifies the provisioning, 
management and monitoring of Metron on clusters of any size.  
    -## Kibana Dashboards
    -The dashboards installed by the Kibana custom action are managed by the 
dashboard.p file.  This file is created by exporting existing dashboards from a 
running Kibana instance.
    -To create a new version of the file, make any necessary changes to Kibana 
(e.g. on full-dev), and export with the appropriate script.
    -$ES_HOST 9200 \
    +This allows you to easily install Metron using a simple, guided process.  
This also allows you to monitor cluster health and even secure your cluster 
with kerberos.
    -Build the Ambari Mpack to get the dashboard updated appropriately.
    +#### What is this good for?
    -Once the MPack is installed, run the Kibana service's action "Load 
Template" to install dashboards.  This will completely overwrite the .kibana in 
Elasticsearch, so use with caution.
    +* If you want to see how Metron can really scale by deploying it on your 
own hardware, or even in the cloud, this is the best option for you.
    -## Kerberos
    -The MPack can allow Metron to be installed and then Kerberized, or 
installed on top of an already Kerberized cluster.  This is done through 
Ambari's standard Kerberization setup.
    +* If you want to run a proof-of-concept to see how Apache Metron can 
benefit your organization, then this is the way to do it.
    -### Caveats
    -* For nodes using a Metron client and a local repo, the repo must exist on 
all nodes (e.g via createrepo). This repo can be empty; only the main Metron 
services need the RPMs.
    -* A Metron client must be installed on each supervisor node in a secured 
cluster.  This is to ensure that the Metron keytab and client_jaas.conf get 
distributed in order to allow reading and writing from Kafka.
    -  * When Metron is already installed on the cluster, this should be done 
before Kerberizing.
    -  * When addding Metron to an already Kerberized cluster, ensure that all 
supervisor nodes receive a Metron client.
    -* Storm (and Metron) must be restarted after Metron is installed on an 
already Kerberized cluster.  Several Storm configs get updated, and Metron will 
be unable to write to Kafka without a restart.
    -  * Kerberizing a cluster with an existing Metron already has restarts of 
all services during Kerberization, so it's unneeded.
    +#### How?
    -Instructions for setup on Full Dev can be found at 
[](  These instructions 
reference the manual install instructions.
    +To deploy Apache Metron using Ambari, follow the instructions at 
    -### Kerberos Without an MPack
    -Using the MPack is preferred, but instructions for Kerberizing manually 
can be found at []( These 
instructions are reference by the Ambari Kerberos install instructions and 
include commands for setting up a KDC.
    -## TODO
    -- Support Ubuntu deployments
    +How do I deploy Metron on a single VM?
    +This will deploy Metron and all of its dependencies on a virtual machine 
running on your computer.  
    +#### What is this good for?
    +* If you are new to Metron and want to explore the functionality that it 
offers, this is good place to start.  
    --- End diff --
    This seems to conflict with the statement below. Based on the user group 
discussions and given the relatively hefty machine requirements, I'm not sure 
this is what we want to be recommending to people new to Metron.
    > It can be an incredibly frustrating experience for new users.  Do not try 
this at home.  


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