Comments below

On Wed, Apr 11, 2018, 10:59 AM Justin Leet <> wrote:

> First off, this is super nice, and a great way to let us be able to debug
> and help others debug quickly, easily, and hopefully more consistently.
> I super briefly glanced at at it, so these might already be there, but I'd
> like to be able to filter what I get back, e.g. if I give the options for
> Storm and Metron, I'd like to limit to just those. Nothing complicated, but
> something quick and simple.

I had considered that too - I like it. Adding to the list.

> Hand in hand with that, I'd like the option to print to screen (maybe just
> for the non-config stuff or just print out the relevant filenames?).  At
> that point, it'd be really easy to grep or otherwise search through
> things.  Tarball is nice, especially when passing things off to someone
> else, or when you need to dig through a lot of larger config files, but I
> suspect a lot of use cases will be "Hey, real quick what's going on?"

Another good suggestion. Currently, the files get landed in a local
directory that are tarred up. We could also do a simple dump, similar to
how the zk config tool works.

> Other than that, does anyone have any thoughts on putting something like
> this into the management UI (for the non-Ambari managed stuff)?  That seems
> like it would be the natural place to get that stuff, keep it up to date,
> and even build in an export if we wanted to.  Would make it a lot easier
> for end users to be able to get a quick view into what's going on, and
> could let us build in some slightly better filtering and search
> capabilities.
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 12:10 PM, Michael Miklavcic <
>> wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > I wanted to bring attention to a tool I created for gathering cluster
> > details for debugging purposes. There are a number of locations that
> > properties get materialized, e.g. from Ambari -> properties file -> flux
> ->
> > Storm, which means a lot of hunting to guarantee that the changes you've
> > made are percolating correctly. Furthermore, it's generally useful to
> get a
> > sense of how your cluster is configured by gathering all of that info in
> > one place. I created a Python tool that does just that, and bundles up
> the
> > results in a tarball. Here is an overview of the artifacts I'm gathering
> -
> > you can see what commands are being used by looking at the script.
> >
> > Ambari
> >     full cluster config detail
> >
> > Storm
> >     cluster summary
> >     cluster configuration
> >     topology summary (enrichments and indexing)
> >     topology status summary (enrichments and indexing)
> >
> > Kafka
> >     broker info
> >     topics list
> >     topic details (enrichments and indexing)
> >
> > Metron
> >     local file system configuration files
> >     zookeeper configuration
> >     flux files
> >     lib directory file listing
> >     rpm listing
> >
> > Hadoop
> >     version info
> >
> > *** Are there any features/details you'd like to see added to this? Any
> > concerns or suggestions? ***
> >
> > I am  also planning to add log file support along with md5sum of the jar
> > files deployed in Metron's lib directory.
> >
> >
> > 0eddfa8f1dd67247e0803e405497b6e2
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Mike Miklavcic
> >

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