Continuing a discussion that started in a discuss thread about exposing
Pcap query capabilities in the back end.  How should we expose this feature
to users?  Should it be integrated into the Alerts UI or be separate
standalone UI?

To summarize the general points made in the other thread:

   - Adding this capability to the Alerts UI will make it more of a
   composite app.  Is that really what we want since we have separate UIs for
   Alerts and management?
   - Would it be better to bring it in on it's own so it can be released
   with qualifiers and tested with the right expectations without affecting
   the Alerts UI?
   - There are some use cases that begin with an infosec analyst doing a
   search on alerts
   followed by them going to query pcap data corresponding to the
   threats they're investigating.  Would having these features in the same
   UI streamline this process?

There was also mention of some features we should consider:

   - Pcap queries should be made asynchronous via the UI
   - Take care that a user doesn't hit refresh or POST multiple times and kick
   off 50 mapreduce jobs
   - Options for managing the YARN queue that is used
   - Provide a "cancel" option that kills the MR job, or tell the user to
   go to the CLI to kill their job
   - Managing data if multiple users run queries
   - Strategy for cleaning up jobs and implementing a TTL (I think this one
   will be tricky and definitely needs discussion)
   - Date range or other query limits

A couple other features I would add:

   - Ability to paginate through results
   - Ability to download results through the UI
   - Realtime status of a running job in the UI

Let me know if I missed any points or did not correctly capture them
here.  What
other points do we need to consider?  What other features should be
required?  Nice to have?

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