
I'm writing to inform the team about the current state of unit tests in the
angular client and start a discussion about it in general.
Probably some of you know the in the previous weeks we fixed the existing
errors in all the *spec.ts files in /metron-interface/metron-alerts which
makes as able to run and extend our unit tests on the client side code.

In its current state, most of the existing spec/test files just
instantiating some of our components and make assertation to the
existence of them. It might sound bad having that in the current state of
the project, but it's never too late to start to improve things. :)

So what I like to ask from the team is if you making changes in the alert
UI make sure you run one of the following commands check unit tests:
*ng test*
*npm test*

If you're curious about the coverage you can use:
*ng test --code-coverage*
to get a short summary at the end of the process. A very detailed coverage
report also generates to coverage folder in this case.

*Please make sure your changes covered by unit tests and not decreasing the
We are also planning to make UI unit tests part of our travis build process.
With that and some extra care, I'm pretty sure that we can build up a solid
base of coverage and prevent many of bugs in the future.

If you have any suggestion on how to improve or opinions on the topic
please let me know.


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