We should also publish binaries for each release.  That might include any
of the following...

   - Publish the jars to a Maven repository
   - Publish the RPMs and DEBs to a repository
   - Host a pre-built "Full Dev" in Vagrant Cloud

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 2:49 PM zeo...@gmail.com <zeo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So, as has been discussed in a few
> <
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/0445cd8f94dfb844cd5a23ac3eeca04c9f44c9d8f269c6ef12cb3598@%3Cdev.metron.apache.org%3E
> >
> other
> <
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/427a20c22207e84331b94e8ead9a4172a22577d26eb581c0e564d0dc@%3Cdev.metron.apache.org%3E
> >
> recent dev list threads, I would like to discuss what a Metron 1.0 release
> looks like.
> In order to kick off the conversation, I would like to make a few
> suggestions regarding "what 1.0 means to me," but I'm very interested to
> hear everybody else's opinions.
> In order to go 1.0 I believe we should have:
> 1. A clear, supported method of upgrading from one version of Metron to the
> next.  We have attempted
> <https://github.com/apache/metron/blob/master/Upgrading.md> to make this
> easier in the past, but it is currently not
> <
> https://github.com/apache/metron/tree/master/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/metron-mpack#limitations
> >
> supported
> <
> https://github.com/apache/metron/tree/master/metron-deployment/packaging/ambari/elasticsearch-mpack#limitations
> >
> .
> 2. Authentication for all of the UIs and APIs should be secure and support
> SSO.  I believe this is in progress via METRON-1663
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/METRON-1663>.
> 3. Each of our personas
> <
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/METRON/Metron+User+Personas+And+Benefits
> >
> should
> be well documented, understood, and supported.
>  - The current state of documentation is, in my opinion, inadequate and I
> admit I am partially to blame for this.  I suggest we define a strict
> approach for documentation, align to it (such as perhaps migrating all
> useful wiki documentation to git), and enforce it.
>  - I would consider METRON-1699
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/METRON-1699> as a critical item for
> a Security Data Scientist, but it is currently not clear to me where the
> line exists between some of the other personas, or that each persona has
> been sufficiently implemented.
> 4. A performance tuning guide should be available for all of the main
> components, whether as an independent document or as a part of a larger
> document.
> 5. Simple data ingest.
>  - Similar to the ongoing conversation for NiFi integration
> <
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/d7bb4d32c8c42bd40b2f26973f989bcba16010a672fd8a533a5544bf@%3Cdev.metron.apache.org%3E
> >,
> we should be able to say that we have broken down the barriers to getting
> data into a Metron cluster in easy and efficient ways.  In addition to
> NiFi, having support for other popular tools such as beats
> <https://www.elastic.co/products/beats>, fluentd <https://www.fluentd.org/
> >,
> etc.
>  - Parsers should be pluggable, with independent tests and the ability to
> make versioned modifications with roll-backs.
> What else?  Are any of these items not necessary for a 1.0?
> Jon
> --
> Jon

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