I think the junit upgrade should go in also. I'm almost finished reviewing

On Thu, Dec 5, 2019, 8:50 AM Justin Leet <justinjl...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  If we're going to do a bug fix release, I'd like to see some of the low
> hanging fix PRs get finished and merged prior to the release. We've been
> lax about getting them cleaned up, so I'd like to use a release as an
> opportunity to whittle the PRs down and put out a really solid release.
> https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/1568 should be in before release. It
> addresses an issue with our validation of dependencies_with_url.csv and
> it's validation.
> Should https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/1282 be in? Seems like that
> should have been merged awhile ago.
> There's also a couple UI performance / bug fixes PRs (e.g.
> https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/1533 and
> https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/1527) that have been sitting awhile.
> On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 10:32 AM Nick Allen <n...@nickallen.org> wrote:
> > Hello Metron'ers -
> >
> > I would like to make the case that it is time for us to cut the next
> Apache
> > Metron release.
> >
> >    - Our last release was 0.7.1 on May 15th
> >    <
> >
> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/e2e532cbb63be757d0875718b082c069a268f57a9087510f196be09b%40%3Cdev.metron.apache.org%3E
> > >.
> >    It has been *~6 months* since this release.
> >
> >
> >    - We have *102 changes* in master since the last release. This figure
> >    excludes the two feature branches currently undergoing active
> > development.
> >
> >
> >    - We should cut a release *prior to merging in any other significant
> >    changes* from either feature branch.  The two active feature branches
> >    include ~47 other changes at this point in time.
> >
> >
> >    - These 102 changes include some very nice *bug fixes and usability
> >    improvements*. I would propose that we treat this as a bug-fix release
> >    and label it as *Metron 0.7.2*.
> >
> > Please let me know if you agree or disagree with this call for a release.
> >
> > For those interested, here are the 102 unreleased changes in master.
> >
> > METRON-2323 Increase unit test coverage for Alerts List (sardell) closes
> > apache/metron#1567
> > METRON-2208 [UI] Increase unit test coverage for Alert Details (sardell)
> > closes apache/metron#1479
> > METRON-2316 [UI] Drag drop sorting for the selected fields in the Alerts
> UI
> > (ruffle1986 via sardell) closes apache/metron#1560
> > METRON-2326 Unable to Call ENRICHMENT_GET from Threat Triage Rule Reason
> > Field (nickwallen via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1570
> > METRON-2285 Batch Profiler Cannot Persist Data Sketches (nickwallen via
> > mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1564
> > METRON-2321 Remove Legacy AWS Deployment Path (nickwallen) closes
> > apache/metron#1565
> > METRON-2317 [UI] Delete confirmation dialogue looks visually broken
> (tiborm
> > via sardell) closes apache/metron#1562
> > METRON-2304 Update node and npm version to LTS releases (sardell) closes
> > apache/metron#1550
> > METRON-2311 Remove JUnit from all our uber jars (justinleet) closes
> > apache/metron#1561
> > METRON-2239 Metron Automated backup and restore (mmiklavc) closes
> > apache/metron#1546
> > METRON-2308 Fix 'Degrees' Example Profile (nickwallen) closes
> > apache/metron#1555
> > METRON-2310 Remove metron-integration-test from compile dependencies
> > (justinleet) closes apache/metron#1557
> > METRON-2284 Metron Profiler for Spark Doesn't Work as Expected
> (nickwallen)
> > closes apache/metron#1556
> > METRON-2290 [UI] Delaying first auto polling request on app start (tiborm
> > via sardell) closes apache/metron#1534
> > METRON-2293 Fix some inaccuracies in the MaaS README (mmiklavc) closes
> > apache/metron#1536
> > METRON-2302 [UI] Change the default polling interval for Alerts UI to
> > longer time (tiborm via sardell) closes apache/metron#1547
> > METRON-2295 [UI] Displaying &quot;No Data&quot; message in the Alerts UI
> > screen (subhashjha35 via sardell) closes apache/metron#1543
> > METRON-2294 [UI] Fixing Stale mode issue in Alert UI Manual Query Mode
> > (subhashjha35 via sardell) closes apache/metron#1540
> > METRON-2291 [UI] Fixing and rephrasing warning messages on Alerts UI
> > (tiborm via sardell) closes apache/metron#1535
> > METRON-2303 Change Default HDFS Port for Batch Profiler (nickwallen)
> closes
> > apache/metron#1548
> > METRON-2300 Fix Brad Kolarov's Apache ID (billierinaldi via mmiklavc)
> > closes apache/metron#1541
> > METRON-2280 PCAP queries no longer work (mmiklavc) closes
> > apache/metron#1537
> > METRON-2259 [UI] Hide Resolved and Hide Dismissed toggles not works when
> > filtering is in manual mode (tiborm via sardell) closes
> apache/metron#1532
> > METRON-2278 &quot;Metron on CentOS 6&quot; Documentation is outdated
> > (subhashjha35 via sardell) closes apache/metron#1530
> > METRON-2274 Flatfile loader and summarizer mapreduce mode broken
> (mmiklavc)
> > closes apache/metron#1525
> > METRON-2272 [UI] Performance: Switching manual filtering on and off
> > multiple times leads slow typing (ruffle1986 via sardell) closes
> > apache/metron#1524
> > METRON-2190 [UI] Alerts UI: Indicating loading and preventing parallel
> > requests (tiborm via sardell) closes apache/metron#1514
> > METRON-2271 Reorganize Travis Build (nickwallen) closes
> apache/metron#1522
> > METRON-2266 REST debug instructions (merrimanr via nickwallen) closes
> > apache/metron#1520
> > METRON-2235 Increase server startup timeout (tigerquoll via mmiklavc)
> > closes apache/metron#1496
> > METRON-2257 Metron-Alerts GUI testing failing on MacOS builds (sardell)
> > closes apache/metron#1513
> > METRON-2247 rpm-docker: Provide an option to bypass running rpmlint
> > (tigerquoll via nickwallen) closes apache/metron#1503
> > METRON-2254 Intermittent Test Failure in RestFunctionsIntegrationTest
> > (nickwallen) closes apache/metron#1510
> > METRON-2211 [UI] Alerts UI should optionally render timestamp in local
> time
> > (sardell) closes apache/metron#1495
> > METRON-2217 Migrate current HBase client from HTableInterface to Table
> > (mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1483
> > METRON-2201 The description for the IS_IP method default behavior needs
> to
> > corrected as per implementation (MohanDV via mmiklavc) closes
> > apache/metron#1474
> > METRON-2227 Increase Kafka test harness timeout (tigerquoll via mmiklavc)
> > closes apache/metron#1493
> > METRON-2221 Notebook import fails through Zeppelin REST API (anandsubbu)
> > closes apache/metron#1489
> > METRON-2243 [UI] Update npm dependencies to resolve audit warnings
> > (sardell) closes apache/metron#1500
> > METRON-2199 [UI] Add ability to turn off query building in Alerts UI
> search
> > input (sardell) closes apache/metron#1477
> > METRON-2238 Streaming enrichments regression (merrimanr via mmiklavc)
> > closes apache/metron#1498
> > METRON-2149 Shaded jar classifier is not consistent (merrimanr) closes
> > apache/metron#1436
> > METRON-2179 [UI] Make navigation in both UIs consistent (sardell) closes
> > apache/metron#1464
> > METRON-2212 Add debugging developer docs to hbase-server README
> (mmiklavc)
> > closes apache/metron#1481
> > METRON-2076 Fixed up flakey stellar timezone test (tigerquoll via
> mmiklavc)
> > closes apache/metron#1487
> > METRON-614: Eliminate use of the default Charset (mmiklavc via
> justinleet)
> > closes apache/metron#1341
> > METRON-614: Eliminate use of the default Charset (justinleet) closes
> > apache/metron#1341
> > METRON-2205 Cease querying on filter or time-range change (tiborm via
> > sardell) closes apache/metron#1478
> > METRON-2195 Add defensive log level checks when constructing logs is
> > expensive (tigerquoll via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1473
> > METRON-2202 Add parameter validation for the stellar field validation
> > functions (MohanDV via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1476
> > METRON-2197 Add debugging info output for Solr queries (mmiklavc) closes
> > apache/metron#1475
> > METRON-2189 Optimize imports in mpack python scripts (mmiklavc) closes
> > apache/metron#1467
> > METRON-2194 Update Ambari tooltip to specify single quotes for parser
> names
> > with hyphens (mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1471
> > METRON-2192 [UI] &quot;All time&quot; time range is broken on Alerts UI
> > (tiborm via sardell) closes apache/metron#1469
> > METRON-2191 [UI] Checkbox selector on Alerts UI is broken (tiborm via
> > sardell) closes apache/metron#1468
> > METRON-2130 [UI] Numeric steppers on the Management UI seems broken
> > (ruffle1986 via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1421
> > METRON-2129 [UI] Clearing the search bar resets alert filter range to
> 'All
> > Time' (ruffle1986 via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1420
> > METRON-2140: [UI] Implement logic behind show/hide RESOLVE and DISMISS
> > items in Alerts UI (tiborm via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1459
> > METRON-2172 Solr Updates Not Tested in Integration Test (nickwallen)
> closes
> > apache/metron#1465
> > METRON-2185 Update Simple-Syslog dependency to fix error in Structured
> Data
> > (ottobackwards) closes apache/metron#1466
> > METRON-2079 Fix documentation for installing Ansible for fulldev Centos 6
> > (mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1450
> > METRON-2174 [UI] Grouped alerts total can differ from search alerts total
> > (sardell) closes apache/metron#1455
> > METRON-2161 [UI] CSS positioning bugs in Alerts and MGMT UI (sardell)
> > closes apache/metron#1446
> > METRON-2183 Update to Angular v7 (sardell) closes apache/metron#1463
> > Metron-2180 IS_DATE stellar function is lenient while parsing date/time
> > (MohanDV) closes apache/metron#1461
> > METRON-2148 Stellar REST POST function (merrimanr) closes
> > apache/metron#1440
> > METRON-2150 [UI] User not able to filter by multiple values of the same
> > field on Alerts UI (tiborm via sardell) closes apache/metron#1443
> > METRON-2168 Elasticsearch Updates Not Tested in Integration Test
> > (nickwallen) closes apache/metron#1451
> > METRON-2084 Add documentation notice for MacOS Mojave users for new
> > security permissions (mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1449
> > METRON-2061 Solr documents with date fields cannot be updated with Dao
> > classes (merrimanr) closes apache/metron#1374
> > METRON-2164 Remove the Split-Join Enrichment Topology (nickwallen) closes
> > apache/metron#1448
> > METRON-2166 FileFilterUtilTest.test_getPaths_leftEdge:116 expected:<1>
> but
> > was:<2> (mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1452
> > METRON-2155 Cache Maven in Travis CI Builds (nickwallen) closes
> > apache/metron#1445
> > METRON-2156 Remove Storm dependency from metron-hbase (merrimanr) closes
> > apache/metron#1441
> > METRON-2142 Install solar schema as metron user (MohanDV via nickwallen)
> > closes apache/metron#1432
> > METRON-1253 Manual pasting of timestamps into the timestamp picker
> > (ruffle1986 via sardell) closes apache/metron#1380
> > METRON-2073 Create in-memory use case for enrichment with map type and
> > flatfile summarizer (merrimanr) closes apache/metron#1399
> > METRON-2092 [UI] Config UI does not require you to set a grok timestamp
> > field by default (ruffle1986 via sardell) closes apache/metron#1393
> > METRON-2141 Cache REST API status update calls to the Storm UI (mmiklavc)
> > closes apache/metron#1439
> > METRON-2102 [UI] Adding click-through navigation to Alerts table (tiborm
> > via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1431
> > METRON-2153 ParserIntegrationTest should print failed messages
> (merrimanr)
> > closes apache/metron#1438
> > METRON-2127 Update Maven repositories to https (justinleet via mmiklavc)
> > closes apache/metron#1417
> > METRON-2145 Clarify RPM build documentation (mmiklavc) closes
> > apache/metron#1434
> > METRON-2083 Fix broken links in root metron README (mmiklavc) closes
> > apache/metron#1435
> > METRON-2152 Add debug logging for when sensor batchTimeout exceeds the
> > calculated maximum (mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1437
> > METRON-2112 Normalize parser original_string handling (mmiklavc) closes
> > apache/metron#1409
> > METRON-2087 Remove Storm dependency from metron-indexing (merrimanr)
> closes
> > apache/metron#1389
> > METRON-2128 LEEF config file is missing in RPM spec file
> (simonellistonball
> > via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1419
> > METRON-2143 Travis Build Fails to Download Maven (nickwallen) closes
> > apache/metron#1433
> > METRON-2123 Expand Stellar JOIN to work on all Iterables (mmiklavc)
> closes
> > apache/metron#1416
> > METRON-2109 Add option to use Metron GUID as the id in Elasticsearch
> > (merrimanr) closes apache/metron#1403
> > METRON-2113 Update version to 0.7.2 (justinleet) closes
> apache/metron#1407
> > METRON-1788 Batch profiler pull profile information from zookeeper
> > (tigerquoll via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1383
> > METRON-2118 Added a LEEF parser (simonellistonball via mmiklavc) closes
> > apache/metron#1408
> > METRON-2085 [UI] Alerts UI Details Pane: naming meta alerts is broken
> > (ruffle1986 via sardell) closes apache/metron#1388
> > METRON-2058 UI: Actions -&gt; Add to Alert can still be selected from
> > dropdown when no alerts are selected. (ruffle1986 via sardell) closes
> > apache/metron#1373
> > METRON-2107 Add architecture diagram item to PR checklist (mmiklavc)
> closes
> > apache/metron#1401
> > METRON-1997 Replace Threat Triage Score Field Slider with Text Box
> > (ruffle1986 via sardell) closes apache/metron#1334
> > METRON-2111 Update public web site to point at 0.7.1 new release
> > (justinleet) closes apache/metron#1406
> > METRON-2089 [UI] Adding loading state to Alerts details view (tiborm via
> > sardell) closes apache/metron#1390
> > METRON-1989 Tooltip for ES mpack path_data is incorrect (JonZeolla via
> > mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1329
> > METRON-2075 Site book build support for MacOS that has GNU sed installed
> > (tigerquoll via mmiklavc) closes apache/metron#1384
> > METRON-2106 Escalation topic setting in Ambari has no effect (merrimanr)
> > closes apache/metron#1400
> >

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