In the course of discussion on the PR for METRON-652
<> something that I
should definitely have understood better came to light and I thought that
it was worth bringing to the attention of the community to get
clarification/discuss is just how we manage configs.

Currently (assuming the management UI that Ryan Merriman submitted) configs
are managed/adjusted via a couple of different mechanism.

   - pushed and pulled from disk to zookeeper
   - Stellar REPL: pushed and pulled via the CONFIG_GET/CONFIG_PUT functions
   - Ambari: initialized via the zk_load_utils script and then some of them
   are managed directly (global config) and some indirectly (sensor-specific
      - NOTE: Upon service restart, it may or may not overwrite changes on
      disk or on zookeeper.  *Can someone more knowledgeable than me about
      this describe precisely the semantics that we can expect on
service restart
      for Ambari? What gets overwritten on disk and what gets updated
in ambari?*
   - The Management UI: manages some of the configs. *RYAN: Which configs
   do we support here and which don't we support here?*

As you can see, we have a mishmash of mechanisms to update and manage the
configuration for Metron in zookeeper.  In the beginning the approach was
just to edit configs on disk and push/pull them via zk_load_utils.  Configs
could be historically managed using source control, etc.  As we got more
and more components managing the configs, we haven't taken care that they
they all work with each other in an expected way (I believe these are
true..correct me if I'm wrong):

   - If configs are modified in the management UI or the Stellar REPL and
   someone forgets to pull the configs from zookeeper to disk, before they do
   a push via zk_load_utils, they will clobber the configs in zookeeper with
   old configs.
   - If the global config is changed on disk and the ambari service
   restarts, it'll get reset with the original global config.
   - *Ryan, in the management UI, if someone changes the zookeeper configs
   from outside, are those configs reflected immediately in the UI?*

It seems to me that we have a couple of options here:

   - A service to intermediate and handle config update/retrieval and
   tracking historical changes so these different mechanisms can use a common
   component for config management/tracking and refactor the existing
   mechanisms to use that service
   - Standardize on exactly one component to manage the configs and regress
   the others (that's a verb, right?   nicer than delete.)

I happen to like the service approach, myself, but I wanted to put it up
for discussion and hopefully someone will volunteer to design such a thing.

To frame the debate, I want us to keep in mind a couple of things that may
or may not be relevant to the discussion:

   - We will eventually be moving to support kerberos so there should at
   least be a path to use kerberos for any solution IMO
   - There is value in each of the different mechanisms in place now.  If
   there weren't, then they wouldn't have been created.  Before we try to make
   this a "there can be only one" argument, I'd like to hear very good

Finally, I'd appreciate if some people might answer the questions I have in
bold there.  Hopefully this discussion, if nothing else happens, will
result in fodder for proper documentation of the ins and outs of each of
the components bulleted above.



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