As a follow-up to METRON-716, I would like to suggest that we update our Metron
Release documentation
<> to
account for the site-book.  Specifically, I think that Step 4 and Step 9
need a bit of a refresher.

In the most recent build, Casey appears to have handled this by building
the site-book and then releasing it to,
documenting that in the VOTE thread.

My initial question is, is there a reason to use the "book-site" folder
name, as opposed to "site-book"?  I would prefer to pick a standard and
stick with it, if possible.

Regardless, I am suggesting that under Step 4 we add the following bullet
under the "The artifacts for a release" section:

"- The site-book documentation, as generated using the most recent
documentation under the site-book/"

And under Step 9 we add the following:

"- Update the Metron site documentation links to point to the documentation
for the most recent release."

Right now the website points to the wiki



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