Hi Moshe,
Dynamic configuration, with parameters stored in Zookeeper, is actually quite 
complex if you follow it from end to end.  Here’s a brief description:
• The Metron configuration parameter mechanism uses Apache Curator to subscribe 
to ZK nodes of interest, and maintain a TreeCache with background, 
asynchronous, atomic updates.  Whenever someone writes new parameter values to 
ZK, ZK notifies the Curator client, which copies the new values into the 
TreeCache.  That’s the bit of code you referenced below.  The pub/sub model 
supported by ZK and used by Curator, means that this is very low cost, without 
active polling.
• For parameters that may be changed without requiring a topology restart, 
Metron always reads them from the parameter mechanism, rather than storing the 
values in local variables.  This sentence needs some commentary:
o Some parameters DO require a topology restart, in particular if they interact 
with Storm settings.  Updates to these values are ignored, or only have partial 
effect, until restart.  The documents are clear about which settings can be 
updated dynamically.
o Reading from the TreeCache is not significantly more expensive than reading 
from an ordinary Map object.  So going back to the parameter mechanism instead 
of storing the values in local variables is a small cost.
o The TreeCache uses Concurrent data structures where appropriate to assure 
that edits happen atomically and at low cost, so you don’t need to worry about 
reading inconsistent values from the parameter mechanism.
• The net result is a fully dynamic configuration capability for a broad set of 
independently updatable parameters.

Hope this helps,

On 3/31/17, 5:53 AM, "moshe jarusalem" <tuu...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Hi All,
    I have been looking the codes for ConfiguredBolt and its derivatives. I
    realized that updateConfig is actually not doing much?
    Would you describe how you manage configuration changes might be needed
    after bolts are initialized and running?
    for convenience, I copied the code here
    public void updateConfig(String path, byte[] data) throws IOException {
      if (data.length != 0) {
        String name = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
        if (path.startsWith(ConfigurationType.ENRICHMENT.getZookeeperRoot())) {
          getConfigurations().updateSensorEnrichmentConfig(name, data);
          reloadCallback(name, ConfigurationType.ENRICHMENT);
        } else if (ConfigurationType.GLOBAL.getZookeeperRoot().equals(path)) {
          reloadCallback(name, ConfigurationType.GLOBAL);

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