Sure, I'll try prepare it soon ... Thank you.

23.01.07, Niklas Therning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> написал(а):

Eugene Labunsky wrote:
> Hello,
> I have problem with client package - when link beetwen the client &
> server (both based on MINA 1.0.1) closed client package exit with code
> Sure in the NetCatProtocolHandler I have handle OnClosed event and try
> connect to server like in FAQ. This client sends and receives message
> from server.
> I have other client application based on MINA. This package just
> receive data from server and this client do not terminate when
> connection closed. How I can fix it?

So you want the client to reconnect to the server when the connection is
closed but at the moment the client exits with code 0 instead? Am I
right? It's hard to give you any advice without more information. Could
you let us see your Java code perhaps? If it's not very large you could
post it here on the list. Otherwise maybe you could put it somewhere for
us to download so we can have a look?

> I have other problem also. When I moved to MINA 1.0.1 from 0.9.5 my
> client package have problem with server's connection (sure I have
> rewrite code in main like SumUp sample for non using decoder case).
> First time it connected to server application and can't run
> messageReceived. It wait before session closed and then run again. The
> same code with 0.9.5 working without any problem. I have added last
> backport-util-concurrent.jar from official web site for JAVA 5.0 - I
> have 1.5.x JDK).
Again, please if possible, send us your code.

Niklas Therning

Eugene Labunsky. - MetaStock Add-on

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