Colin Fleming wrote:
> Wow, interesting! That would provide a huge speedup for most apps, I
> would think. Interesting that for the server VM in 1.5 there's really
> no difference.
> BTW I found this following Crazy Bob's blog:
> He seemed to get a 40% speedup on Java 5, but doesn't give details
> about the operation's he's using. There's a comment there also saying
> that if you turn off the security checks you can get close to direct
> speed (although Bob says he was doing that - maybe that's why he sees
> more difference than you).
That's interesting! With setAccesible(true) java.lang.reflect is
comparable to CGLIB on Java6:

java -client:
Reflection: 260 ms (2.61)
CGLIB FastMethod: 249 ms (2.46)
CGLIB InvokeByIndex: 247 ms (2.43)
Direct: 72 ms

java -server:
Reflection: 197 ms (8.38)
CGLIB FastMethod: 186 ms (7.86)
CGLIB InvokeByIndex: 198 ms (8.43)
Direct: 21 ms

> BTW mina-sm looks excellent, very interesting design. I haven't tried
> it but I'll play around with it if I get a chance.
Let me know if you get the chance. I'd love to get some feedback on it.

Niklas Therning

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