The ones under documentation on the site.

Mark Webb wrote:
which slides?

On 3/6/07, Stanczak Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think that that graphic from the slides that shows the flow of MINA
(at a glance slide 12) would be great on the site with more detail.
Maybe that could cover the terminology some. Maybe create an image map
with fly-outs showing detail of use.

robert burrell donkin wrote:
> On 3/5/07, Coding Horse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Some terminology/concepts like "Future", "Excecutor" that is obvious
>> to mina
>> developers may be never-heard to a beginning mina user like me.  I've
>> been
>> reading whatever mina text I could find for a few days without knowing
>> "Future" is a standard interface in JDK 1.5.
>> I hope I would have read the whole page of Future javadoc before
>> guessing
>> the meaning of the one-liner javadoc of mina's IoFuture javadoc.
> MINA has quite a lot of terminology so a glossary would be useful
> (linking to fully explanations both on site and elsewhere)
> - robert

Justin Stanczak
Stanczak Group

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do
Edmund Burke

Justin Stanczak
Stanczak Group

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke

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