Nordin, Glenn wrote:
> Hi!
> I have two questions about Apache MINA 1.0 .
> 1. Is it possible to store state for incomplete reads in
> ProtocolDecoderAdapter without mixing state from different sessions,
>     if I always create a new instance (prototype) of the ProtocolDecoder
> in ProtocolCodecFactory.getDecoder method?
>     In other words ignoring the IoSession parameter in the decode method
> as if the same IoSession is always returned.

ProtocolCodecFilter in MINA 1.0 will use the ProtocolCodecFactory to get
a per session decoder the first time a message is received for a
session. The decoder is stored as a session attribute and reused when
decoding subsequent messages for that session. Judging from this it
should be safe to have stateful ProtocolDecoders as you are suggesting.

However, this behavior could change in future versions of MINA. To be on
the safe side you should store the per session state as session
attributes and keep your ProtocolDecoder stateless.

> 2. IoHandler and ProtocolDecoderAdapter: 
>     I think only a single thread is used per session at the same time,
> but it is not always the same thread. 
>     Can I write code as if the same thread per session is executing the
> methods in IoHandler and ProtocolDecoder? 
I guess this depends on how you have set up your thread model (see But generally
speaking I don't think this is a good idea. What are you trying to achieve?


Niklas Therning

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