Greg Duffy a écrit :

Awesome! That seems to have helped quite a bit.

More than a bit :)

Have you thought about using a profiler during the load test? I think MINA has a YourKit Open Source license. Are we allowed to use that? It would be
good to find out exactly where the hot spots are and figure out whether
something in MINA could be optimized.

This is a *big* problem ! I have used YourKit, but the tool is limited to method above 1ms. When I run the test on my mac, with more than 2000 req/s, you bet than no method takes more than 1 ms ;). The result is absolutly useless then. Maybe I should do a very long run, just to gather thousands of calls. Maybe YourkIt is having a problem with MacOSX JVM too...

I'd do it myself, but I'm more focused on the datagram transport right now. I'd like to use YourKit to profile it as well, as I hope to contribute it to
MINA before 2.0.0.

I will do the test on my linux box.

Also, what JVM are you using?

IBM, Jrockit, Sun, and Apple. I will redo my tests with each of those guys, to see the difference.

Thanks !

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