Hello all,

I'm writing up a connector framework to use as the back end for our test
tools.  I have been able to get non-SSL connections to work with up to
10k (20k server+client).  The problem is when I try to use SSL.

I believe the problem is a race condition since it does not seem to
reproduce itself the same every time and slight innocuous code changes
can seem to effect if it works or not or even just running the same code
multiple times produces different results.  

1. When trying a disconnect/reconnect test. It locks up about 20% of the
time upon the next attempt to send a message after a reconnect.
2. When writing out to the socket on both ends during sessionOpen(...)
the connection just hangs and waiting on the write never returns.
Debugging into the MINA layers show that the SSL handshake is taking
place but then it just stops for some reason upon attempting to write to
the session.

I am using the BogusSSL setup from the example echo server project for
the SSLFilter.

The client:
Set SSLFilter.USE_NOTIFICATION during sessionCreated(...)
Add the SSL filter to the chain during sessionOpen(...)
messageRecieved(...) returns for any message passed that is not a

                                sslFilter = new SSLFilter(
BogusSSLContextFactory.getInstance( false ) );
                                sslFilter.setUseClientMode( true );
chain.addFirst( ProtocolHandler.SSL_FILTER, setupSSLFilter() );

The server:
Set SSLFilter.USE_NOTIFICATION during sessionCreated(...)
SSL filter is added just before binding to the socket
messageRecieved(...) returns for any message passed that is not a

sslFilter = new SSLFilter( BogusSSLContextFactory.getInstance( true ) );
chain.addLast( ProtocolHandler.SSL_FILTER, setupSSLFilter() );

Windows XP
Java 1.5.0_11
Running out of Eclipse 3.1

backport-util-concurrent.jar [latest java 5 compiled]
mina-core-1.0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar  [svn 526942]
mina-filter-ssl-1.0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar  [svn 526942]

Any help or thoughts on how to debug this would be apprenticed.

Thank you,

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