see comments....

On 4/10/07, Maarten Bosteels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I think a quick-start-guide for MINA is a very good idea.
(it's something I wanted to contribute myself for a long time, but I kept
postponing it)

So, I will contribute with some constructive remarks :-)

Thanks.  I wrote most of this after midnight last night, so it is a little
rough I guess...

* It says: The logging filter will simply log the message using the SL4J
library, and the codec filter will encode each message using the
supplied TextLineCodecFactory

=> actually, the codec filter will both encode and decode messages


* it says "The exceptionCaught method will simply print the stack trace of
the error and close the session. "

=> the code does not close the session at all
(btw, I could force the exceptionCaught from the telnet client by hitting
CTR-C + enter)

fixed the code example.

* It says "This method will also print out the current time to standard
=> but the code only writes "Message written..." to standard out


* It says "Depending on the protocol codec that you use, the object (second
parameter) that gets passed in to this method will be different, as well
the object that you pass in to the session.write(Object) method."

This description is a little bit vague to me.
Since the decoder/encoder mechnism is an import part of the MINA design
I think it would be a good idea to use a custom encoder/decoder in the
example (ie not use the TextLineCodecFactory).

I think a custom encoder/decoder is overkill for a quick start tutorial.
Maybe a reference to the codec tutorial (yet to be written) would be

And maybe mention the possibility to add an ExecutorFilter, or add a link to



On 4/10/07, Mark Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have added a tutorial that walks a new user through the process of
> developing a MINA based application.  In this case, the tutorial shows
> user how to write a time server.  Take a look at the document and let me
> know what you think.
> Thank you.
> --
> ..Cheers
> Mark


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