On 5/24/07, Mladen Turk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Adam Fisk wrote:
> The slides were just posted from this Java One session claiming Grizzly
> blows MINA away performance-wise, and I'm just curious as to people's
> on it.  They present some interesting ideas about optimizing selector
> threading and ByteBuffer use.

I love the slide 20!
JFA finally admitted that Tomcat's APR-NIO is faster then JDK one ;)
However last time I did benchmarks it was much faster then 10%.

> Maybe someone could comment on the performance improvements in MINA
> 2.0?

He probably compared MINA's Serial IO, and that is not usable
for production (jet). I wonder how it would look with real
async http server.
Nevertheless, benchmarks are like assholes. Everyone has one.


Incidentally SUN has been trying to attack several projects via the
performance angle for
some time now.  Just recently I received a cease and desist letter from them
when I
compiled some performance metrics.  The point behind it is was that we were
not correctly
configuring their products.  I guess they just want to make sure things are
setup to their
advantage.  That's what all these metrics revolve around and if you ask me
they're not worth
a damn.  There is a million ways to make one product perform better than
another depending
on configuration, environment and the application.  However is raw
performance metrics as
important as a good flexible design?


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