Alex Karasulu ha scritto:
> What about working on the DNS protocol provider we have in Directory? 
> Let's
> grow community around this.  The barrier of entry to existing ASF
> committers
> from
> MINA should be minimal.
> What's the benefit of starting yet another DNS server effort?  Furthermore
> are there
> issues with the DNS PP in Directory?

My interest is mainly to build a DNS *client* and not a server.

I had a look at directory-dns project few months ago (and I see there
have been no changes in the mean time). It only contains very partial
reusable code for a dns client and it misses a lot of needed code.

If we reuse basic classes from dnsjava we can take the TSIG and other
dns supporting tools as is from the dnsjava library.

I just want to add asynchronous support. I already have it in
dnsjnio+dnsjava but I don't like to depend on dnsjava and dnsjnio only
because of their licensing (dnsjnio is MPL) and release workflow
(dnsjava author is not so reactive applying even the smallest patch).

Furthermore the current dns project has dependencies on shared-protocol
and other directory specific modules I don't even care of

IMHO it is much better to start using the dnsjava objects for
encoding/decoding as a start also because it is much more stable than
the directory code.


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