On 9/12/07, Francesca Milan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> shila ha scritto:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to write a client-server application with Mina which passes
> > through an HTTP proxy.
> > I know that Mina doesn't support proxy natively (also with DIRMINA-223: see
> > http://www.nabble.com/-jira--Created:-(DIRMINA-223)-Addition-of-SocketConnector-method-to-handle-socks-proxies.-t2697070s16868.html),
> > and that java doesn't support HTTPProxy (see
> > http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6370908).
> >
> > I've tried to create a tunnel to the server application which could pass
> > through the proxy by using the
> > HTTP CONNECT method, but this is supported only to the ssl ports; all the
> > connections to other ports are bounced by the proxy
> > (with the default configuration).
> >
> > I've modified the mina's class SocketConnector in order to create this
> > tunnel:
> >
> > ...
> >               SocketChannel ch = null;
> >         boolean success = false;
> >
> >               try
> >         {
> >               //START ADD CODE
> >               if(this.isThereProxy()) {
> >
> >                       SSLSocketFactory factory = null;
> >                       try {
> >                               factory = 
> > (SSLSocketFactory)SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();
> >
> >                               /* socket connection to proxy */
> >                               SocketChannel socketCh = 
> > SocketChannel.open(new
> > InetSocketAddress(proxyHost, proxyPort));
> >                               Socket tunnel = socketCh.socket();
> >
> >                               doTunnelHandshake(tunnel,
> > ((InetSocketAddress)address).getHostName(),
> >                                       
> > ((InetSocketAddress)address).getPort());
> >
> >                               /* SSL Socket creation through proxy */
> >                               SSLSocket socketTunnel = 
> > (SSLSocket)(factory.createSocket(
> >                                       tunnel,
> >                                       
> > ((InetSocketAddress)address).getHostName(),
> >                                       
> > ((InetSocketAddress)address).getPort(),
> >                                       true));
> >
> >                               socketTunnel.startHandshake();
> >
> >                               ch = socketTunnel.getChannel();
> >                               socketTunnel.setReuseAddress(true);
> >                               if(localAddress != null) {
> >                                       socketTunnel.bind(localAddress);
> >                               }
> >
> >                               ch.configureBlocking(false);
> >                               if(ch.isConnected()) {
> >                                       SocketSessionImpl session = 
> > newSession( ch, handler, config );
> >                                       success = true;
> >                                       ConnectFuture future = new 
> > ConnectFuture();
> >                               future.setSession(session);
> >                               return future;
> >                               }
> >
> >                               success = true;
> >
> >                       } catch (Exception e) {
> >                               System.out.println("[ERROR] Problem during 
> > the tunnel
> > creation.");
> >                               e.printStackTrace();
> >                       }
> >    // END ADD CODE
> >               } else {
> >                   ch = SocketChannel.open();
> >                   ch.socket().setReuseAddress( true );
> > ...
> >
> >
> > By way of this method I'm able to send a message to the server's 443 port;
> > the problem
> > is that these messages aren't encrypted, so my server application don't
> > understand the message received.
> > To resolve this problem I've tried to add an SSLfilter to the session but
> > the
> > program stops at the session.write instruction.
> >
> > The following is a snippet from the main:
> >
> > ...
> >               SSLFilter filter = null;
> >
> >               try {
> >                       /* ssl filter creation */
> >                       // ************************************************
> >                       SSLContext sslContext = 
> > SSLContextFactory.getInstance(false);
> >                       filter = new SSLFilter(sslContext);
> >                       // ************************************************
> >
> >                       ByteBuffer.setUseDirectBuffers(false);
> >               ByteBuffer.setAllocator(new SimpleByteBufferAllocator());
> >                       IoConnector connector = new SocketConnector();
> >                       SocketConnectorConfig config = new 
> > SocketConnectorConfig();
> >
> >               filter.setUseClientMode(true);
> >
> >                   IoHandler handle = new IoHandler(){
> >                               public void sessionOpened(IoSession session) {
> >                                       System.out.println("SESSION OPENED");
> >                               }
> >                               public void sessionClosed(IoSession session) {
> >                                       System.out.println("SESSION CLOSED");
> >                               }
> >                               public void sessionIdle(IoSession session, 
> > IdleStatus status) {
> >                                       System.out.println("SESSION IDLE");
> >                               }
> >                               public void exceptionCaught(IoSession 
> > session, Throwable cause) {
> >                                       System.out.println("EXCEPTION 
> > CAUGHT");
> >                                       cause.printStackTrace();
> >                               }
> >                               public void messageReceived(IoSession 
> > session, Object message) {
> >                                       System.out.println("MESSAGE 
> >                               }
> >                               public void sessionCreated(IoSession session) 
> > {
> >                                       System.out.println("SESSION CREATED");
> >
> >                               }
> >                               public void messageSent(IoSession session, 
> > Object message) {
> >                                       System.out.println("MESSAGE SENT");
> >                               }
> >                       };
> >
> >                   ConnectFuture future = connector.connect(
> >                               new 
> > InetSocketAddress("***************************", 443),
> >                               handle,
> >                               config);
> >
> >                   future.join();
> >                   if (!future.isConnected()) {
> >                       System.out.println("Connection fail");
> >                   }
> >                   else {
> >                       System.out.println("Connection done!");
> >                   }
> >
> >                   IoSession session = future.getSession();
> >
> >                       if (session == null)
> >                       System.out.println("PROBLEM!!");
> >                       else {
> >
> >                               // Add Filters
> >                               // 
> > ************************************************
> >                               session.getFilterChain().addLast("client", 
> > new ProtocolCodecFilter(new
> > CodecFactory()));
> >                               
> > session.getFilterChain().addFirst("sslFilter", filter);
> >                               session.getFilterChain().addLast("logger", 
> > new LoggingFilter());
> >                               // 
> > ************************************************
> >
> >
> >                               /* message send */
> >                               session.write(new 
> > HttpImActiveMessage("179_1185976799152")).join();
> >
> >                               System.out.println("MESSAGE SENT!!");
> >
> >                               session.close();
> >                       }
> >           } catch (Exception e) {
> >               System.out.println("PROBLEM");
> >               e.printStackTrace();
> >           }
> >       }
> > ...
> >
> > Has someone encountered a similar problem? ... Is there someone that could
> > give me some hints?
> >
> >
> > Thanks! ;-)
> >
> > ...i'm sorry for my terrible english :-/
> >
> I have resolved deleting "socketTunnel.startHandshake();" from
> socketConnector class source code.\

I'm curious to know what is the difference between just inserting a
SSLFilter and using SSLSocketFactory together.

Thanks in advance,
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