Also noticed during testing in my own dev environment that if I wait for a
few minutes between sending messages to the server, a new thread is always
used by the executor filter.

For example, if I connect and send three requests one after the other, the
executor filter uses thread-1 for each request.  If i wait five minutes and
send the same request again on the same connection, the log shows thread-2
being used.

Looking at my task manager, I can confirm that a new thread is indeed being
launched after every increment.



On 9/26/07, Matt Mehalso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All -
> We've just recently deployed a Mina-based server (using mina-core-1.0.3)
> to production that had been in testing for some time.  We are now getting a
> strange error that we had never seen during testing.
> The server is a fairly simple request / response multi-threaded server
> that uses our own custom protocol codec for encoding and decoding messages.
> The codec uses a line length to separate initialization messages, and then a
> delimiter for all subsequent messages.  We use a
>  with an ExecutorFilter to handle requests in different threads.
> The max # of threads is set using the # of processors + 1, as in the mina
> tutorial.
> We are getting a strange socket connection that is always paired with a
> strange java.lang.Integer / java.lang.String mismatch?  Additionally,
> we've noticed that a new thread is being spawned for each incoming request
> and that these threads are no longer returning to the thread pool as they
> were during the testing phase.  The server runs as a windows service using
> JavaService and we are continuously restarting as the memory usage climbs
> above 500 MB or so.
> We are now getting the following exceptions, sometimes after a single
> request, sometimes after 10-15, as extracted from our log files:
> 2007-09-25 10:28:07,821 [SocketAcceptorIoProcessor-0.3] INFO
> <package>.handler.ReceiptTaskHandler - [/] EXCEPTION:
> Connection reset by peer: Read failed
>     at Method)
>     at
>     at (
>     at
>     at
>     at
> :267)
>     at org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.SocketIoProcessor.process(
>     at org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.SocketIoProcessor.access$500(
>     at org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.SocketIoProcessor$ (
>     at
>     at
> ( :987)
>     at
> (
>     at
> 2007-09-25 10:28:07,821 [SocketAcceptorIoProcessor-0.3 ] INFO
> <package>.handler.ReceiptTaskHandler - [/] CLOSED
> 2007-09-25 10:28:07,821 [pool-1-thread-32] ERROR
> <package>.handler.ReceiptTaskHandler - [/] Connection with
> client closed abnormally.  Exception: Connection reset by peer: Read failed
> 2007-09-25 10:28:07,836 [pool-1-thread-32] ERROR
> <package>.handler.ReceiptTaskHandler - [/] Connection with
> client closed abnormally.  Exception: java/lang/Integer incompatible with
> java/lang/String
> As you can see, this is on the 32nd thread spawned and is the 32nd message
> received since the server started.  We currently only have a single client
> connected to the server.
> Has anyone ever seen anything like this before?  Any ideas?  Thanks in
> advance for your help!
> Best,
> Matt

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