On 9/27/07, Trustin Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/27/07, Maarten Bosteels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Trustin,
> >
> > I don't like this idea.
> > It basically means that we are going to build are own logging-lib
> > facade, a job that SLF4J does very well.
> >
> > And IMHO it won't simplify things, we'll have to explain people how
> > our mechanism for choosing a logging-librarry works.
> >
> > Maybe a well-written FAQ entry about MINA and SLF4J would help out a lot ?
> Agreed, but there are some issues.
> > I agree that SLF4J is a great logging facade. It takes 10 minutes to
> > read the documentation, and I think anyone serious about server-side
> > java should take the time to check it out.
> >
> > I am also convinced that SLF4J is going to get more momentum in the future.
> > See the list of projects at the bottom of  http://www.slf4j.org/index.html
> One disadvantage of SLF4J though is that it becomes unpredictable if
> people puts wrong jars or additional jars in the classpath.  It might
> be a good idea if there's any way to diagnose such a problem.  If we
> can do that, we could print some direct instruction to the users.
> Yes, it's what SLF4J has to offer, but I thought we can do that too.

Yes, we could check out if we can do something about that.
But if people put two versions of mina (or any other library) on the classpath
things become unpredictable as well.

> Another disadvantage of SLF4J is that it doesn't play well with
> java.util.logging.  Related discussion is found here:
> http://www.nabble.com/java.util.logging.LogManager-Implementation--t3754880.html
> For example, we can't incorporate very well with Tomcat in logging
> because Tomcat is using java.util.logging.

AFAIK tomcat switched completely to Jakarta Commons Logging since 5.5.
We are using mina and SLF4J and log4j inside tomcat without any issues.

I don't think it has ever used java.util.logging ?
It uses -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager



> Trustin
> --
> what we call human nature is actually human habit
> --
> http://gleamynode.net/
> --
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