Luis Neves wrote:

Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
You have plenty of tools to analyze a OOM. Either a commercial tool,
or free tools. Just googling for 'Memory leak java analyzer' will
bring a lot of those guys, like

I'm aware of those tools, I already used Jhat, the IBM HeapAnalyser and Jconsole to locate the memory "back hole". My initial assumption that there was a memory leak doesn't seem to be valid. Monitoring the heap with JConsole the behaviour is not consistent with a memory leak, instead of steadily increasing memory over time what I see is a sudden spike in memory and the subsequent OOM error. The "holder" for most of the used memory is the field:
private final List<Object> childProducts = new ArrayList<Object>();
in org.apache.mina.filter.codec.statemachine.DecodingStateMachine

My problem is that I don't fully understand the state machine that Mina uses to process HTTP requests and I can't tell what could cause the addition of thousands of elements to the "childProducts" field... anyway...
Can you produce a StackTrace when you get the OOM ? It may help to understand where the problem has been originated. There is a good luck you get into an infinite loop somewhere in your code, the point is to determine when you get into this loop (typically behavior when you get a sudden spike in a program).

Hope it helps...

cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny

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