Here's the January 2008 board report for the Apache MINA project.

We cut four minor releases: 1.0.7, 1.0.8, 1.1.4 and 1.1.5.  The new
releases contain backward-compatible minor improvements and bug fixes.

FtpServer project has been graduated from the Incubator into the MINA
project.  It is in progress to merge the two web sites into one
seamlessly, and other infrastructure-related changes are being
discussed.  Niklas Gustavsson joined the MINA PMC as the lead of the
FtpServer project.

Jeff Genender, a member of the foundation and a MINA enthusiast,
joined the MINA PMC.  His primary focus is to implement high
performance asynchronous HTTP client implementation, along with HTTP
server implementation.  These client-server implementations are not a
stand-alone application but a library on top of the MINA framework, so
it will be the best fit together.

There was a serious discussion about changing logging framework of
MINA 2 in the mailing list, and we concluded to stick to the current
logging framework (i.e. SLF4J).  Instead, Trustin Lee will provide a
tool that converts a JAR which depends on a logging framework A into a
new JAR which depends on a logging framework B.  Maarten Bosteels is
also working with SLF4J team to make it more friendly with more
logging frameworks such as java.util.logging, which will simplify MINA
logging significantly.  The bottom line is that we will be able to
resolve every community member's concern with MINA 2 hopefully.

The community itself seems to be growing up and up steadily.  Please
refer to the traffic graph:  We
are seeing decreased traffic on December 2007, but it's probably due
to holidays.

Julien Vermillard and Trustin Lee finished implementation of APR
transport.  This means MINA now can utilize ASF's high performance
cross platform library for network operations.  It seems to perform
10% better than the Sun epoll NIO provider.  Switching from NIO to APR
takes just a few minutes.

JMX integration has been rewritten, which means all MINA-based
applications are manageable via JMX very easily.

Synchronous reader API has been implemented.  MINA is basically an
asynchronous framework so some client developers will benefit from
this new feature.

The OSGi integration issue reported in the last report has been resolved.

We need to finish migration of FtpServer and release MINA 2.0.0-M1
this quarter to catch up the users' demand.  We might need more
committers who has good will for keeping MINA project run.

what we call human nature is actually human habit
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