On Fri, 23 May 2008 13:52:49 +0900, Mike Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
이희승 (Trustin Lee) wrote:
Every public methods except for the constructors are overridden from its supertypes and interfaces. They all got proper JavaDoc comments. Let me know if I am missing something.

Adding a @see Class#method() in the implementation then should help. When you look at a method javadoc it's better to know where too look at : the intheritance scheme can be feilry complex, and it can be a burden to retreive the associated Javadoc.

Something like :
    * @see javax.naming.Context#close()
   public void close() throws NamingException

I think @see is the wrong approach for this situation. We should use @inheritedDoc instead of @see. With @see you get no useful information if your IDE supports in-editor popup docs. You also have to make an extra click to get to useful information when browsing the JavaDocs which is almost as annoying as empty docs.

Also with @inheritedDoc you can see immediately in the code that there are JavaDocs for the method.

IMO using @inheritedDoc instead of empty JavaDocs should be the standard practice in any Java project.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is a good idea. However, it's only useful when you have something to add to the supertype's documentation. Otherwise, empty JavaDoc is simply replaced with the supertype's documentation AFAIK. Therefore something like the following doesn't have much meaning:


Please let me know if I misunderstood how javadoc works.


Trustin Lee - Principal Software Engineer, JBoss, Red Hat
what we call human nature is actually human habit

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