On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 1:04 PM, Stefano Bagnara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Emmanuel Lecharny ha scritto:
>> Now, considering your attitude : your are sometime just behaving like a
>> stubborn childish person. You are interpreting the ASF rules at your own
>> advantage, with no respect for person around you. Like it or not, this is
>> not the way it works. When I asked you to revert the code, this is because
>> we reached a point where we have to discuss the portion of code you have
>> committed, it was not a punishment. But you took it as if I wanted to
>> personally insult you, and you insulted me in return. I will swallow the
>> insult, because it's just totally irrelevant to the discussion.
> My opinion is that you behaved very bad too. There was a discussion in
> place, and there was no need to veto this until every solution was
> evaluated. You didn't try to understand the why, propose something
> different, evaluate pros/cons of what have been done and what you proposed
> before vetoing it.
> This is only my opinion as an ASF committer have only a user role in mina.

No one asked for your precious opinion.  You don't have a grasp of the
situation at all.  So stop adding to the fire.


We need to move on.


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