Hi guys,

today, I tried to find a link on MINA web site to the JIRA. I didn't found it (ok, it may exist, but then it's buried on the other corner of the internet ;). The very same for many other resources like sources, svn links, sub projects links, etc...

I also found that the JIRA key for MINA is DIRMINA. MINA was a Directory subproject two years ago, but now, I think it's time to rename this to MINA, no ?

Otherwise, I would also suggest some refactoring of the main site. Here is some proposal :

existing menus :

* Overview
 - Home
 - Features
 - Testimonials
 - Documentation
 - Performance
 - Downloads
 - Road Map
 - Faq
* Community
 - contact
 - Contributors
 - Related projects
* Sponsorship
 - Donations
 - Thanks
 - Sponsorship
 - Contributing

proposal :
* Latest downloads (People usually go to the web site to download the latest version, it's good to give them a direct link)
 - 1.0.10
 - 1.1.7
 - 2.0-M1
* Overview
 - Home
 - Features
 - Documentation
 - Road Map
 - FAQ
* Resources
 - Articles
 - Mailing List & IRC
 - Issue Tracking
 - Sources
 - Wiki
 - Conferences
 - Related projects
 - Testimonies
 - How to contribute
* Community (I removed the Donations because the project don't accept donations. It has been changed to Thanks).
 - Team
 - License
 - Thanks
 - ASF sponsors
 - Sponsorship program

IMHO, it would make things much easier to find for users and contributors.

Last, not least, we might want to add some pointers to the AsycWeb and FTPServer subprojects, for instance on the top right menu (cf what we have on http://directory.apache.org)

wdyt ?

cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny

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