On Tue, 08 Jul 2008 13:01:30 +0200
Emmanuel Lecharny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> now that Julien has started cutting the 2.0.0.-M2 release, we have to 
> postpone all the related and unfixed issues to the newly created 
> 2.0.0-M3 version.
> We also have 44 unscheduled issues. Would be good if we can schedule
> them.
> Thanks !


I think it's a good idea to schedule changes for M3.

A start of what I'm thinking doable :
- integrating proxy patch
- finishing doc on transports (core/APR/serial)
- doc on reqres filter
- testing and perhaps tuning APR based transport
- composite buffers

Feel free to propose anything !

I thin knew can schedule in JIRA in a clever way than before.

Comments ?


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