The Apache MINA project is pleased to announce the release of MINA 2.0.0-M3.

This release is finally done earlier than planed due to some serious
performance regressions in 2.0.0-M2.

* 4 bug fixes :
   o Calling IoBuffer.slice() in CumulativeProtocolDecoder.doDecode()
can cause data corruption.
   o Big performance drop in 2.0M2 CumulativeProtocolDecoder for large messages.
   o Running tests leave files in /tmp.
   o The proxy sample does not work - results in a NullPointerException.

 * 3 improvements :
   o Moved ExceptionMonitor from core to util
   o IoFuture::isReady is renamed to isDone.
   o Port the 'Haiku' example to 1.0 and trunk.

This is a milestone release and is not yet considered suitable for
production use. This release improve the code structure, documentation
and provide bug fix and improvement since 2.0.0-M2. We are waiting
your feedback for the next release !



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