I am not currently using this for anything, I am sure that given
enough time I could come up with reasons for using it.  OTOH, if we
are looking to streamline the baseline, I say remove it and maybe
create a filter repository that people can get to for  additional
filters.  Something similar to what Apache has done with its modules.


On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 3:58 PM, Emmanuel Lecharny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Niklas Gustavsson wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 6:46 PM, Julien Vermillard
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> But if you accept the session (opening) you send all the TCP soup
>>> for opening/accepting the socket connection, and if you close the
>>> session directly you send all the TCP soup for closing the socket
>>> connection. I hardly can imagine it can protect you from any DoS.
>> That would at least be cheaper than doing the rest of your stuff
>> (decoding/encoding, bussines logic and so on) , right?
> Well, if you are going to drop connections just because you have hundred (or
> even thousands) arriving at the same time, then that means your server is
> being badly DoSed. Now you have two cases :
> - your server is reachable by outsiders : you better have a front system to
> deal with such attacks. Whatever you do on MINA side will be far from enough
> to protect you. So I tend to think that, in this case, the connection
> throttling is absolutely useless.
> - your server is only used from a private nertwork. Some wrong process is
> pounding your server, and it will make it dies sooner or later. Again, in
> this case, I would rather let it die quickly, in order to be able to react
> quickly.
> Considering that such attacks (or incorrect usage from internal
> applications) are impossible to avoid, trying to fix them on the application
> layer is like trying to empty the sea with a tea spoon...
>> So while not
>> the perfect protection, it is certainly better than nothing.
> well, in this very case, doing nothing or something is equivalent. You are
> just offering a small margin during which your server will resist, but I'm
> not sure it worth the effort.
> Of course, IMHO :)
> --
> --
> cordialement, regards,
> Emmanuel Lécharny
> www.iktek.com
> directory.apache.org

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