This is usually caused by an un-tuned IP stack in your OS. These symptoms usually occur when you have hit the max sockets. You generally hit this limit because your socket timeouts are set too high (it can be 30-60 seconds by default before the socket is released back to the OS).

I would Google tuning IP stacks for your particular OS and concentrate on upping your allowed sockets and setting your socket timeout/wait to 1 second. If you are sending all these calls from a single client, you may need to do this on the client too.


On Mar 14, 2009, at 7:53 AM, Nagesh wrote:

Hi All,

I am testing the server load by trying to send multiple  messages

I am trying to create the 100 sessions and trying to
write  messages to those 100 session with a second gap.
but it starts sending up to some time after that it does not give
any exception and stops sending messages.

can any one suggest me what might be the problem and possible solution to

any help is highly appreciated.


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