Seems that my patch is working - I can see that several pending sessions were removed during last 3 days on our servers.
I hope that it does not have impact on some other functions of mina :)

Anyway, it would be great to see comments from mina creators!


Victor wrote:
Sorry, I forgot to say that I use mina 2.0 M4 (unfortunately, our server does not work with M5 yet - something changed).

If I do a simple workaround - call removeNow() for such sessions - can something go wrong this way?



Victor wrote:
Hello mina developers!

Seems I have found a bug with IoSession (or I am doing something wrong :) ) - I can see that a "PREPARING" session is not removed correctly from queue.

When some session is in PREPARING state, it is removed from "removingSessions" queue but right after that it is added to this queue again! So this session is added to the queue and removed from it until forever. As a result, this give us significant garbage allocation, so CPU spends most of time in garbage collector (I can see this is JConsole).

I see comments there in AbstractPollingIoProcessor class:

private int remove() {
    case PREPARING:
                // Retry later if session is not yet fully initialized.
// (In case that Session.close() is called before addSession() is processed)
                return removedSessions;

I have added logging to this code, and I can see that the SAME session is removed and added again and again.

Can somebody explain this logic please? Why don't we remove the PENDING session? Or maybe is there a workaround for this.

Sorry, I can not provide a test for this issue, but it is reproduced almost every day at out production servers under some load. Maybe, you can reproduce it by adding a delay in addSession() and then closing the session during this delay.

Thanks for any ideas and propositions,


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