On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 11:57, Emmanuel Lecharny <elecha...@apache.org> wrote:
> Niklas Gustavsson wrote:
>> Hi
>> Should we drop the Vysper Ant build in favour of the Maven build?
>> Right now we have two build systems to maintain, which will cause
>> confusion and end up being out of sync. Do we need a vote for this, or
>> should we just svn del build.xml?
> I don't think we need a vote, just an agreement from Bernd. I would favor a
> maven build and a removal of the ant build. It will allow us to remove the
> libs rom svn too.

I'm not pro or con a specific build tool, but I think, for any Apache
project, not having its libraries accessible in SVN somewhere near the
code is bad.
Libraries are hard dependencies, but tools like mvn (and others) treat
them like soft dependencies. What if repos get lost? Or are
compromised? Given the number of artifacts and their transient
dependencies, this will happen sooner or later (or has already
happened without getting noticed).

mvn is much more easy to get a build up and running and add features
like reporting, etc. that's a huge advantage over ant.

Also, I work a lot without online Internet access. mvn is more of a
pain then than it is normally. (Yes, I know about offline modes etc.)

So while I don't oppose mvn as a tool, it doesn't free us from our
reponsabilities to make our software available not only today, but
also in the future.

That said, I'm somewhere between -0 and +0 for the switch.


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