On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 23:11, Fernando Padilla<f...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> Hello.
> I am a bit new to the XMPP land, and I've yet to deploy our Tigase server
> into production.  But I stumbled onto Vysper and having a look at the source
> code, I think I will like it very much.
> I would love to plan to use Vysper for our production server, :) but I know
> it's still quite young.
> My requirements are Bosh (though if need be I could use Punjab until a
> native option comes up).  I am planning on using a PubSub component that I
> would customize (not all features needed, and my own storage system).  For
> future hacking, External Components (XEP-0114) would be nice and the newest
> Components Connections might be nicer (XEP-0193, XEP-0225).
> I would like to hear what you guys think.  Would you be close to some sort
> of release; .8, .9, 1.0?  Even with not everything in place yet?
> Thank you!!

Thanks Fernando for you kind words. :-)

However, I think (know) that Vysper is not ready for production yet.
It's not properly tested and documented. It lacks critical features,
from the XMPP PoV as well as from administration and management side.

Maybe it's more feasible for use in an embedded/testing environment
where you want to work closely with the sources.

BOSH support has not been done yet (though it should be possible
relatively easy), and external components are not supported yet,

Definitively, we'd love to hear your feedback on any matter regarding Vysper.


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