Thank you for reply. I didn't fully understand what you said last night. Today 
I read your message again and found it's really a great approach to this 
problem. I even needn't create a new ThreadPoolExecutor.

According what you said, one messasgeWritten trigers another messageWrite until 
the prioritized queue in the filter is fully consumed. It just solved my 
problem. Many thanks!

From: "Emmanuel Lecharny" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 8:38 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: How do I send prioritized messages with Mina?

> 刘伟 a écrit :
>>  I'm working on a streaming server using Mina, there are 
>> two types of packets in my server: the control messages that's short but 
>> with 
>> higher priority, and the media packets that's big but with lower priority. I 
>> know inside mina there's a message queue maintained for written messages, so 
>> that the write request can return immediately. This makes thing pretty bad: 
>> if I 
>> want to write a control message, the queue is filled with media data and the 
>> control message is sent until all media data is flushed.
>>  So I'm expecting a method like: 
>> IoSession.write(IoBuffer message, int priority). For the remaining messages 
>> in 
>> the queue, the ones with lower priority always get sent before the ones with 
>> higher priority. Does anyone know there be some package can help me do this? 
>> Or 
>> do I need to override an existing Mina class - maybe NioProcessor?
> One way to handle this is to write a filter you'll add at the beginning 
> of the chain (ie, it will be the last one executed before the messages 
> will be queued to be written). This filter will itself manage the queue 
> of messages, and can manage the priority.
> Messages will be written one by one, and only when the previous one has 
> been sent (ie, the selector is ready for Write). IFAIR, you know that 
> when the messageSent event is received. Then you can send the next 
> message. If there is a higher priority message arriving, then you can 
> immediately write it.
> I *think* this approach can work, assuming that the messageSent can 
> really be handled in this filter. Writing such a filter should not be a 
> complex task, and I guess a POC can we whipped in a few hourd.
> Hope it helps.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Cordialement,
> Emmanuel Lécharny

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