Hi guys,

I spent the last two days to review most of the JIRA we have on MINA 2.0-RC2. Some have been fixed (thanks to all of those who have posted some patches !)

Here are he remaining issues : ([B] = Bug, [I] = Improvement, [T] = task, [F] = new Feature, [W] = wish)

MINA 2.0-RC2 roadmap :

[B] DIRMINA-539 NioDatagramConnector doesn't takes the TrafficClass value set to his DatagramSessionConfig
[B] DIRMINA-755    IoConnectot.dispose blocks forever
[B] DIRMINA-742 When session is closed, DefaultIoFilterChain is in deadlock. [I] DIRMINA-682 We need a better documentation for the ExecutorFilter [was :Writing more than one message will block until the MessageReceived as been fully proceced]
[I] DIRMINA-593    Javadoc & documentation for org/apache/mina/filter/reqres
[I] DIRMINA-707    Add sendfile support to APR transport
[T] DIRMINA-477    Update page about differences between 1.x and 2.x
[T] DIRMINA-708 Unbound thread growth on discovery attempts : Improve documentation
[T] DIRMINA-756    Bump up the used jars

Unscheduled :
[B] DIRMINA-737    StateMachine deadlock on StateContext synchronization
[B] DIRMINA-683    APR transport on FreeBSD throwing Exceptions
[B] DIRMINA-379 setKeepAlive/setTcpNoDelay and exceptions in Windows Vista [B] DIRMINA-738 Using IoEventQueueThrottler with a WriteRequestFilter can lead to hangs [B] DIRMINA-724 getScheduledWriteMessages not zero after all sessions closed [I] DIRMINA-301 New Multi threaded SocketIOProcessor to improve fairness of socket reads/writes [I] DIRMINA-509 DatagramConnector.connect() is slow compared to connect() with java.net.DatagramSocket [I] DIRMINA-752 maybe move SerialAddressEditor.class to the mina beans project [I] DIRMINA-657 SSL Filter and IoHandler. Unassigned Sanjeev Sachdev [I] DIRMINA-723 OrderedThreadPoolExecutor behavior: configurable queue size, corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize
[F] DIRMINA-705    Transport for unix local sockets based on APR
[F] DIRMINA-128    IoSession.shutdown(TrafficMask)
[F] DIRMINA-484    Datagram transport based on APR (Apache Portable Runtime)
[F] DIRMINA-500    Cache for encoded messages.
[F] DIRMINA-389    Create a Connection Throttle Filter
[F] DIRMINA-499    Bindings for Scala
[F] DIRMINA-258    Example of an XML server and Client.
[F] DIRMINA-655    Add a more general purpose text based decoder
[F] DIRMINA-196    Connection shaper
[T] DIRMINA-250    Provide a test suite for a transport implementor.
[W] DIRMINA-355 Modified sumup client to act as a jmeter javarequest sampler
[W] DIRMINA-641    Configurable memory limit for CompressionFilter
[W] DIRMINA-715    Ability to set timeouts for NioSocketConnector.connect()

Looking at those issues, and especially the bugs, I think a very few of them are critical :

We need to investigate them, and to fix them, before releasing 2.0-RC2, IMO.

All the other issues need some love, but some triage is needed too.

FYI, I'm on DIRMINA-755 atm.

Thanks !

Emmanuel Lécharny

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